Desktops Beating Mobile and Tablets
Do not be enchanted by the soothsayers on your decision-making: desktops are here to stay despite losing sales figures to mobile and tablets.
Do not be enchanted by the soothsayers on your decision-making: desktops are here to stay despite losing sales figures to mobile and tablets.
Consumers have raised their expectations. Messages & experiences need to show relevance. And, this requires software as well as data intelligence.
In 1998 Alan Cooper published a book, The Inmates Are Running the Asylum. It seems the inmates have taken control of the asylum again and we are ignoring customer needs.
Some of the best advice I ever received: computers in general and software specifically help to speed up processes. But as high tide raises all boats, it also speeds up the mistakes.
Software engineers (geeks, propeller heads, rulers of the free world, and whatever other moniker chosen to affectionately label this highly selective subspecies of the generic public) live by certain truths.