Bryan LeBlanc

Random Pragmatist

Growing up, I was deeply interested in physical fitness.  I devoured every book I could find on kinesiology, exercise science, and anything written by the gurus of weightlifting.  At some point, to buffer a few college bills, I even tried my hand as a personal trainer.

One Christmas, my brother and I decided to buy our father a basic weight set so he could workout.  As part of the “big gift”, I reduced all the knowledge I had accumulated into a book on how to exercise with weights.  As a result, this abridged book of knowledge evolved into my first foray into entrepreneurship.

At that time, we self-published the first volume with the title “Big Bob’s Body Basic Workout Book”.  It contained pages of spindly stick figures demonstrating the proper way to exercise with weights.  In contrast, I added interjections of quirky gym humor throughout the book to lighten the mood.

Nonetheless, let’s just say I did not become internationally known as a fitness author.  However, I did custom build all the business systems (AR/AP, distribution, and online order processing) long before the Internet became ubiquitous for such things.  More importantly, I learned the value of boiling down knowledge into palatable bites.

Presently, 7Stones Consulting is much the same.  After years of experience across several industries helping to solve the unsolvable problems, I look to each client as a unique puzzle.  Namely, each requiring just the right snippets of knowledge broken down from the larger library.